My dear family and friends. My prayers are with each of you. I pray that this little ministering message finds each of you healthy and happy. I hope that each of you understand that when I feel the prompting to do this, it is not because I think any of you are in dire need of the messages that might be presented.
Besides helping me to learn how to “Hear Him”. These messages always seem to be for me in areas that I need to improve on. I send them to each of you only because I have been instructed too. With the hope that you also might benefit from them.
Following is a short video clip titled “The Prodigal Son”. Are not we all a “prodigal” in some fashion or another? Do we sometimes squander our blessings? And sin and make mistakes? Do we not have the need of repentance and forgiveness and finding our way back to our Heavenly Father even if that means to only be a servant in his house instead of a recognized son or daughter? I invite you to experience the following videos.
It takes deep personal prayer, godly sorrow, confessing to our Heavenly and if needed to our Priesthood leader, much faith and turning from that which we do wrong. To find the avenue of repentance and eventual forgiveness.
This song always helps me to start back on the right track when I stray. Perhaps you will feel the spirit teach you as you listen.
I Invite you to spend a few more minutes and “Hear Him” through this Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I (we) love each of you. We testify that Jesus is the Son of God. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He is our advocate to our Heavenly Father. Because of Him and HIS atonement we will have Eternal Life and the ability to reach Exaltation. He is THE Christ.
We a lead by a prophet of God, Russel M. Nelson. The Book of Mormon is a true book. It will keep us on the straight and narrow path if we will feast upon the words of Christ that are contained therein.
We love each of you.
Steve and Debbie Larsen