To my dear family and friends. I felt a very strong impression to share a little message.
I hope and pray that this message finds each of you doing well. You are continually in Debbie's and my prayers. The message I feel impressed to share is a simple one. I invite you to find time a little here and a little there to absorb the teachings found in this message.
But first I invite you to listen to a couple of special hymns. Let them bring the spirit deep inside your soul.
I am a Child of God
I believe in Christ.
Are we bound in grave clothes in our thoughts and actions? Are we helping others by being an unbinder? Do we minister as the Lord has asked us to? Do we love our neighbors and are we friendly towards them? Do we get to know them? Do we really care about them?
Lazarus was called back from the dead by Jesus Christ. He instructed those present to unbind Lazarus and remove his grave clothes.
Lazarus is Raised from the Dead. About 8 minutes
I invite you to listen to Eric B Shumway, He has served as the Tongan Mission President, The Tongan Temple President, and served as the President of BYU Hawaii. Listen as he tells us more about the story of Lazarus and many people who he had come to know from around the world. Are we a Binder or an Unbinder?
Loose Him and Let Him Go. Eric B. Shumway. About 28 minutes
Do we “Bind” ourselves and others with our actions or non-actions? By the words we use? Or in other ways? Are we binding ourselves? Are we sincere in our prayers asking help from our Heavenly Father to change our hearts so that they are full of Charity even the Pure Love of Christ? Do we ask for and pray for Miracles in our lives and the lives of our family members?
I know that my Redeemer Lives
Though Deepening Trials
We now invite you to listen to the Conversion Story of Al Fox Carraway. How she kept getting bound by so many people after she joined the church. Yet, she relied on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help her become unbound.
Al Fox Carraway. Conversion Story. About 45 minutes
This is the Christ
I witness to you that Jesus is the Christ. The Son of our Heavenly Father. He came to this earth and worked out His Atonement, that we might have the gift of the Resurrection and the opportunity to grow and learn and advance spiritually so that we could return to Live with Him, Our Heavenly Parents, and our Earthly Family for the eternities. He is the Christ! We are blessed to have prophets and apostles to help direct us to Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit will touch each of your hearts. That you and I might become fully converted to Jesus Christ.
We love each of you. We pray for you, We hope that you find the direction in your lives that lead you to our Savior. And we pray that like us, you might also become “Unbound” and be an “Unbinder” for others.
All our thoughts, prayers, and love,
Debbie and Steve Larsen