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3-29-2022 A Ministering Message: Easter

As I pondered the thought of Easter arriving next week, and the fact that we have General Conference. I invite you to take time and watch or listen.

An opportunity to listen to Prophets and Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. My thoughts turned to the Savior. I do not feel we can ever talk of Christ enough or think of Christ enough.

With that in mind, the impression I felt is first a wonderful song “Come Unto Christ” I invite you to seek the spirit and feel his impressions as you listen to this song.

Please take a few minutes and watch this special video story about Jesus Christ and Easter

Next, I invite you to listen to another powerful song about Jesus Christ.

A very powerful talk from Cleon Skousen. Please, please set aside some time to listen to this talk to the very end. This talk lasts about an hour and a half. I invite you to find time during this week to learn more about the atonement of Jesus Christ as spoken by Cleon Skousen relating to the teaching of Elder Widstoe. This was given at a Mission Conference in Texas in 1980,

Then a song I have included several times in earlier ministering messages. But, it fills me with the spirit. I pray it does it for you also.

Please take time to watch this video talk by President Gordon B. Hinkley

We love and pray for each of you. May the good Lord bless you with peace and an increase of the Love of Christ this week as you prepare to be taught by his Prophets and Apostles.

We testify that Jesus is the Christ!!! He and the Father love each one of us. They even love me, a sinner and an unworthy man. No matter how wicked or unworthy you or I feel. They love us anyway.

We testify of this in his holy name,

Even Jesus Christ.


In our thoughts and prayers

Steve and Debbie Larsen

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