Dear Family and Friends,
I pray that this brief message finds each of you well and happy. I invite you to listen to 3 musical numbers and only a 12 minute talk this time. I realize the last few messages were long, but, I was just trying to follow the promptings I felt. It is my desire that with the musical numbers and the talk you will feel the spirit.
This first song is sung by the youth. All the songs are about Jesus Christ and talk is “The last words Moroni” Who testifies of Jesus Christ.
Now watch and listen to a small video along with the Choir at Tabernacle Square sing “This is the Christ”
I invite you to now watch a short video about Moroni 10
And now please listen to an Apostle of Jesus Christ Share with us the “Last words of Mormon”
And finally I invite you to listen again but with a different artist “This is the Christ”
I Testify that the Book of Mormon testifies over and over that Jesus is the Christ. And in the Book of Mormon we learn what we are experiencing in the world and especially here in the United States of America. They all tie together through Jesus Christ. He Lives! He Loves each of us!..He has restored his church and has placed once again prophets and apostles on the earth. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pray for each of you. I pray that you will find peace in these turbulent times.
We, Debbie and I love each of you
Steve and Debbie Larsen