My dear Family and friends,
I’m not sure why but this past week my thoughts have been on this wonderful country we live in. As I hear the rhetoric from both sides of the aisle in congress and from the current administration I am becoming increasingly concerned where our country is heading.
We know in reading the Book of Mormon especially the last few chapters of Helaman and the first few chapters of Nephi. As Pres. Hinkley has stated something to the effect as “reading the Book of Mormon is as current as reading the daily newspaper.” (Paraphrased) ,
So with these thoughts I have felt the impression to focus a little on our country and Constitution.
This first link is a retired marine who shares with us his thoughts about our children and then sings to us the 2nd verse of the Star Bangled Banner.
Then we learn more of the history of that special beloved song. It is being so discharged by so many today. I feel it is truly our Title of Liberty. Liberty is a God given gift. Unlike freedom which is instituted by man.
Next we listen to a compilation of talks given by Elder Ezra Taft Benson. He along with David O McKay and J. Ruben clark talked often and cautioned us so much about our God given Liberties. All that they have prophesied so many years ago are happening right before our eyes.
And finally I close with the loved Hymn “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
I testify to you that this The United States of America is the place of the New Jerusalem. It is a special country founded by God through inspired men. It is the place where the Garden of Eden existed. It is the place where Noah boarded the ark to escape the destruction of mankind. It is the only place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be restored. It is the place where the Lord Jesus Christ will come to the valley of Adam Ondi Aman to receive back all the Keys that have been held from Adam to the least of the saints throughout time.
This is the prophesied promised land of the Latter Day. The Lord asks for us to serve him. If we turn from him then the prophesied destructions and calamities, will surely come to pass. How are we doing? Abortion is out of control the murdering of innocent babies. Secret Combinations have infiltrated all of our government from the local to the national. There is much fraud, murder, cheating, immorality,. The list goes on and on.
I testify that Jesus is the Christ, our Redeemer and Savior. Even our elder brother. He lives, he worked through His atonement. He allowed himself to be taken up on the cross and through his working His atonement and subsequent allowing himself to be crucified. When at just the right moment he gave up his life. No one took it from Him. But he gave it up for each of us and so great and wonderful the gifts we have received because of His love for you and I.
I humbly attest to these things even in His Holy name Jesus Christ. Amen.
Steve & Debbie Larsen