Dear Family and Friends
Debbie and I hope and pray that this writing today finds each of you Happy, Healthy, and enjoying life and family. We hope that this upcoming holiday season is full of joy and love a love that only comes from the Love of Christ. No matter your situation how bad it might be. I witness that you can feel this love.
I have felt an impression to provide another blog. I really did not expect to write again. But, like each of you I am trying to learn much better “How to Listen to Him”. I have listened to and watched several wonderful podcasts this past week talking about revelation and especially things about the Temple and how we learn in there from revelation that we receive.
Personal Revelation – Song for Primary. (About 3 min)
I know that as the world becomes more and more crazy. More and more unstable, and definitely a much more evil world. We must rely on revelation to survive. As stated in the next two short videos from 2 talks given by our dear prophet.
President Nelson “Coming Days”. (About 2 minutes)
President Nelson (Jesus Christ In Coming Days Then & Now!) (About 2 minutes) April 2018
Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire. (About 5 minutes)
I invite you to listen as you get a few minutes to two talks given by Bruce R. McConkie on the topic of Revelation.
Bruce R. McConkie “Thou shalt Receive Revelation”. (About 14 minutes)
Bruce r. McConkie. “How to Get Personal Revelation”. (About 27 minutes)
I realize that the promptings I have received that “HE“is inviting you to listen to several talks this time. Please search your heart and listen to the special words both spoken and otherwise that “He” wants you to hear and to feel in your heart. Open you heart and let the Holy Ghost speak to you.
Receiving Revelation: Power of the Holy Spirit. (About 4 minutes)
If the Savior Stood Beside Me. (About 3 minutes)
Loren Dalton: “You Are Receiving Revelation?...Now ACT on It” (about 25 minutes)
David A. Bednar “Q&A with Elder Bednar at Ensign College (about 39 minutes)
Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire. (About 5 minutes)
I witness to each of you that “HE “God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are alive and well. They direct the affairs of this Earth. They allow Satan only so much leeway to tempt, to cause wars, to kill, to desecrate, turn his children against each other and lead them away from Christ. Just like in the Pre=Existence. And since Adam and Eve left the
If you have family members, friends or others who seem to have lost their way. Do not despair. We have much tribulation and trials to yet experience before the glorious 2ncddComeing of Jesus Christ. I witness to each of you. The Lord Jesus Christ know the language of each person’s heart. He will lead them back.
Continue to pray for them, ask that Heavenly Father will Dispatch his angels to assist. I witness that the more we attend the temple with prayer and fasting the more our minds and hearts will be enlightened and the more the Angels will be able to assist us in the mortal life with our families.
He Lives!!!!!!!!! He is the Son of God; He is our Savior and our Redeemer. He is the Christ!!!!!
This is the Christ-Choir at Temple Square. (About 5 minutes)
Of these things We do testify. You are each in our thoughts and prayers.
We love you as does you Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ.
Even in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen