Dear family and friends, it has been a while since I have felt an impression to prepare something. I pray that this message finds each of you safe, well, and happy.
My thoughts lately have been with my daughter, my parents, a brother and so many other family members who now reside on the other side of the veil. Oh, how I miss them.
Because He Lives
Following are a couple of songs about angels. I pray you will feel the spirit as you listen
There are two kinds of beings in heaven who are called angels: those who are spirits and those who have bodies of flesh and bone. Angels who are spirits have not yet obtained a body of flesh and bone, or they are spirits who have once had a mortal body and are awaiting resurrection. Angels who have bodies of flesh and bone have either been resurrected from the dead or translated.
There are many references in scripture to the work of angels. Sometimes angels speak with a voice of thunder as they deliver God’s messages (Mosiah 27:11–16). Righteous mortal men may also be called angels (JST, Gen. 19:15 [Appendix]). Some angels serve around the throne of God in heaven (Alma 36:22).
The scriptures also speak of the devil’s angels. These are those spirits who followed Lucifer and were thrust out of God’s presence in the premortal life and cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:1–9; 2 Ne. 9:9, 16; D&C 29:36–37).
Jacob saw angels of God ascending and descending, Gen. 28:12.
Angels of God met Jacob, Gen. 32:1–2.
Gideon saw an angel of the Lord face to face, Judg. 6:22.
An angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, 2 Sam. 24:16.
An angel touched Elijah and said to him, Arise and eat, 1 Kgs. 19:5–7.
Daniel saw the angel Gabriel in a vision, Dan. 8:15–16.
The angel Michael helped Daniel, Dan. 10:13.
The angel Gabriel was sent from God, Luke 1:19, 26–27.
The devil’s angels will be reserved in chains unto the judgment, Jude 1:6 (2 Pet. 2:4).
People saw angels descending out of heaven, 3 Ne. 17:24.
Moroni wrote about the ministering of angels, Moro. 7:25–32.
The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels, D&C 13.
Moroni, John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Elias all ministered to Joseph Smith as angels, D&C 27:5–12.
Ye are not able to abide the ministering of angels, D&C 67:13.
Michael, the archangel, is Adam, D&C 107:54.
Angels are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129.
There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who belong to it, D&C 130:5.
Men who do not obey God’s law of eternal marriage neither marry nor are given in marriage but are appointed angels in heaven, D&C 132:16–17.
Do we have angels present in our lives? Are they someone who out of the clear just appears and gives us instructions? Do they whisper in our minds to help us make correct choices? Do they warn us of danger? Can they help us discern good from evil?
In the following video clip Elder Holland states something to the effect that they most often are sent to us to comfort us.
Jeffrey R. Holland. Ministering Angels
How do we get angels to help us? Who are these angels? More often than not it is mortal angels who help us. One of the hardest things most of us have to learn in this mortal life is to allow others to help us. We are often so full of pride we feel we can do it(whatever it might be) ourselves.
I testify that the Lord sends angels often in our lives. Especially when we ask for them.
I'm sure I've written before in this blog of the many times I gave my daughter a blessing as she struggled with ALS. I could see the room and even the home, filled with angels. Always with my spiritual eyes and occasionally with my natural eyes.
My daughter one of the last sacrament meetings she was able to attend. Was told to her after by her friend who was the speaker. She saw an elderly man standing behind my daughter holding her head up. The description of the man sounded familiar to my daughter.
It sounded familiar to me also. We looked in family search and found the picture of her 5th or 6th great-grandpa. My daughter had seen him several times in her home. We've often wondered since why he had such an interest in her. But, I look forward to the day when I can thank him for taking care of her.
I've probably written in here before the experience I had at Martins Cove with our stake youth conference years ago. I was up preparing my area for the arrival of the youth. As i looked towards the campsite a good mile away I saw the "families" with their handcarts leave a family at a time towards my destination. I literally saw 10-30 angels join with each hand cart company as they progressed. It was such a marvelous blessing being allowed to see them and feel their spirit. Their gratitude that we were teaching the youth about them and more importantly about how each of them came to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally through all. of their adversity and their faith to continue forward.
Please listen to this excerpt from the book Covenant Keepers by Wendi Watson Nelson
Russell M. Nelson
We testify that God our Heavenly Father lives, is real, and HE loves each of us. We have Heavenly Parents who love us with all their hearts. Jesus is the Christ. The savior and redeemer of the world. Our advocate with the Father. When we fall short and do our best to repent he can then say to our Heavenly Father. Something to this effect. "Father, yes Steven have fallen short he did do this and that. But, he tried so hard to repent and not fall into those traps again. Father, I know that thou lovest him as do I. I worked through the atonement and finished all the work thou asked me to do. I have paid the price for him. Allow him to enjoy the blessings of eternal life. I know he will continue to grow and be worthy to return home to us"
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen
With all our love Debbie and Steven Larsen